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Evangelist Christlyn Wallace

Evangelist Christlyn Wallace was born  in New York City on February 22, 1960. She submitted her life to the Lord in 1988. In 1991, Evangelist Christlyn Wallace  began attending First Triumphant Church of Jesus Christ, Inc. under the ministry  of Bishop Bani Brown. In 1992, she joined the congregation. She was first  ordained as a Missionary in September 1993. She began teaching Sunday school in  1994 at First Triumphant Church of Jesus Christ. She was then ordained as an Exalter the same year. Moving from Glory to Glory, Christlyn Wallace was  ordained as an Evangelist in 1995. In May 1996, she received her diploma in New  Testament Survey. Presently Evangelist Wallace  is the Vice- President of the Triumphant Daughters of Destiny Women's Industry.  She is also active in the Women shelter in Brooklyn. In addition, she is currently working in the hospital Ministry where she goes to minister the gospel  and pray for the sick. Because ministry is birthed out  of an individual's pain, Evangelist Christlyn Wallace has an  immerse zeal to reach the broken, wounded and destitute  women.

Sunday School 10 AM
Sunday Divine Worship 12 Noon

Triumphant School of Ministry
8:00 PM - 9:30 PM

Noon Day Prayer 2:00 -Noon
Missionary Prayer Hour 7:30 PM

Prayer & Deliverance Service 8:00 PM

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