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Evangelist Dorothy Solomon

In 1973 I accepted the Lord into my life and was baptized in Jesus name and was filled will the Holy Ghost. In 1984  I became a member of the  Triumphant Church of Jesus Christ in Willowdene, Jamaica and was ordained a  Missionary in 1985. I served in many capacities and was instrumental in gaining sponsorships for many major projects for both the Church and the Triumphant  Basic School.

In 1995 I migrated to the USA and started attending our  International Headquarters here in Brooklyn, New York. In 2003, I was elevated to  the office of an Evangelist where I continue to work for the Lord and sing on  the Triumphant Adult Choir. I am involve in a Correspondence Prison Ministry and  a Home Correspondence Ministry. I also serve as a spiritual support for families of cancer victims and I am also a volunteer at the Veterans Rehab. In Queens,  New York.

Sunday School 10 AM
Sunday Divine Worship 12 Noon

Triumphant School of Ministry
8:00 PM - 9:30 PM

Noon Day Prayer 2:00 -Noon
Missionary Prayer Hour 7:30 PM

Prayer & Deliverance Service 8:00 PM

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